Voucher Stats


Total Number
of Vouchers


Total Value
of Vouchers


Total Number
of Active Providers


Top Activities

Rank Activity Name #

# = Number of Sports Vouchers claimed

Top Providers

Rank Provider Name #

# = Number of Sports Vouchers claimed

Top Suburbs

Rank Suburb Name #

# = Number of Sports Vouchers claimed



Identified as living with a disability

English as main language at home

Identified as First Nations


The default for this dashboard is for the whole State of South Australia for the current calendar year to date.

As claims may still be processed up to February each year, totals are subject to change during December to March of each year until all claims are finalised.

When filtering data by electorates, this is based on the current electoral boundaries (2022). Several electoral boundary changes have occurred over the years; however, these are unable to be represented in this dashboard; the previous year's electorate totals/breakdowns use the current electoral boundaries. Some electorates may cross into one or more suburbs which may cause inaccuracies in the calculations.

Some providers have more than one activity at various venues as a result only one primary activity is reported in this dashboard. The Top Activities are calculated on the primary activity for those providers.

The Top Suburbs reflects the suburb where the participants reside.

Cultural diversity data is described as CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse) and ATSI (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders) in the chart above. From 2024 the CALD question was updated to 'is English the main langauge spoke at home.'

Disability data was collected for the first time in 2024. Cultural diversity data has been collected on/off since 2015. Where data has not been collected, the charts will be empty/unavailable.

The 'other' category also reflects those that prefer not to say.